
1) Install docker by following the instructions in official Docker documentation.
2) Use the command $ docker run -w /root -it socalucr/gpgpu-sim /bin/bash # Start a new container of GPGPU-sim
3) $ cd gpgpu-sim_distribution; make clean; source setup_environment; make
4) Copy configs eg. GTX480 and Run your benchmarks.
- mkdir ~/test
- cp configs/GTX480/* ~/test/.
- cd ~/test/
- ~/ispass2009-benchmarks/bin/release/RAY 4 4

NOTE: If you want to detach (push it to background) from the container without shutting it down, use ctrl+p+q Remember that $ exit would shutdown the container.

Useful Docker commands

$ docker images # lists all locally available images
$ docker ps # list all up and running containers.
$ docker ps -a # list all exited, errored and running containers.
$ docker start CONTAINER_ID # Command to start the container when exited accidentally.
$ docker run IMAGE_NAME # Start a new container of IMAGE_NAME
$ docker attach CONTAINER_ID # Reattach to running (detached) container.
# docker rmi IMAGE_NAME # Remove locally available image.

Any questions?